Izaak Walton League Minnesota Division

Resolutions Committee Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the resolutions process of the Minnesota Division of the Izaak Walton League of America is to provide members with the ability to bring forward issues of concern and to suggest possible plans of action to address them. Resolutions adopted by the delegates to the Annual Convention form the foundation of Division policy, and may be adopted by the national organization. The purpose of the Resolutions Committee is to facilitate the resolutions process. The Committee will give careful consideration to all properly proposed resolutions; to determine factual accuracy, and to ensure adherence to established IWLA principles. The Committee will work with draft resolution's author(s) when necessary for clarification, and when modification of a proposal may be necessary.

The Committee will also place resolutions in the proper form for consideration by delegates to the Annual Convention, and refer proposed resolutions to the proper Division committees (such as Issues) for their input. The Committee may also provide comments and guidance to the delegates for action on proposed resolutions.

The Committee will provide such consideration respectfully, with the goals and principles of the IWLA foremost in the minds.


Minnesota Division Izaak Walton League of America

Contact us at ikes@minnesotaikes.org.

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